Survivor's Log

Let this log reflect the names of those hearty but foolish souls who have attempted and survived watching our first video "Capsize Recoveries & Rescue Procedures" Volumes 1 & 2 in one sitting. Anyone watching 4 hours & 7 minutes of "In Depth" information needs to have their name written somewhere so this is as good a place as any. Let this list serve as warning to others as to who to avoid when paddling the open seas.

My name has to be included first because I have sat through repeated four hour sessions reviewing these tapes before final printing. My wife Hadley has me undergoing intensive therapy to alleviate my repeating the entire script in my sleep.

There are some who have tried to go for the full 4+hours but capsized in the attempt. We are listing those who have broken the 3 hour mark in our honorable mention roster. If you choose to paddle with them keep a watchful eye. Their judgment is questionable.

"The Official Log":

Wayne Horodowich - 8/11/2001
Rod Tucknott - 8/11/2001

Honorable Mention:

Shawn Baker - 1/12/2002 (3 hours)

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