Welcome to the University of Sea Kayaking
The mission of USK is to promote sea kayaking education.
"Your Sea Kayaking Education Resource"

The USK motto is "Do it in a way that works best for you"

Wayne in kayak
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Vol 1&2 and Vol 3 DVD covers DVD covers 4 & 5
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"Paddle Swim (Updated) "

USKYou Tube Videos

Greenland Rolling Videos

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There are thirteen plus hours of skills and info on USK Videos, Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.
Read the details of what is included with each of our videos.

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USK Web Site Updates

Practicing Good Judgment, USK's new book is now at the USK Store

The 2019 USK Teaching Schedule is now posted

The Complete Book of Sea Kayaking 40th Anniversary Edition is now at the USK Store

Greenland Rolling with Maligiaq & Dubside Part 1 and Part 2 now available from the USK Store

North Sea Crossing & Yarns From The Cockpit Derek Hutchinson Spinning Yarns (USK Store, Enjoyment DVD Link)

Our New "Essential Kayaking Strokes" video is ready to order at the USK Store.

Confessions Of A Wave Warrior" by Eric Soares is now available at the USK Store In our Books Category

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USK Lectures

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"Make A Difference" Program


Total Immersion

Adventures of Hadley & Wayne

Being Derek Hutchinson

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